In Preparation for Showcase and Tournament events, all players
should make sure that they have completed the following steps.
Make of list of colleges that you are interested in and would like to come see you
play at the Showcase. Review the list with your coach or college advisor if you have any
questions or concerns about your list.
Create a one-page college profile document. Use the Aztec Player Profile template as
a guide. This will serve as your soccer resume.
Make a list of colleges of interest. Do research on all these schools and see if they're
something you could be interested academically, athletically, location, price, etc.
Write to each college inviting them to attend the Showcase. Be specific in your letter
and provide reasons specific to each school as to why you are interested in them
coming to come see you play. Be sure to include your Showcase game schedule.
If the schedule is not available, send a follow up email once the schedule has been
released so they know where to come watch you play.
Write a thank you email to all the college coaches who attended your games within
one week of the Showcase and CC your team coach.
Forward any responses from college coaches to your team coach and the college
advisor so they can follow up with your progress or make appropriate phone calls
Let your team coach or college advisor know if you would like them to contact a
school for you for feedback.