Hi Coach {Add Coaches Name}
This is {Add your name and graduation year} from Downtown Las Vegas soccer club, {add your team name
and year} team (Las Vegas, NV.) I just wanted to say thank you for a great soccer camp at your university.
Thank you for your feedback as I really take my playing very seriously. I will really be focusing on getting
more intense and aggressive. I was really impressed with the university and your soccer program. I would
like to continue to update you on my schedule in case you were planning on going to a tournament that I
participate in.{write something about your abilities} I believe my technical ability and mental toughness
would be a great addition to any team. I play in a smart way, never putting my team in a bad position and I
am very comfortable on the ball.
My goal remains to continue to be on your radar as a {Graduation year} recruit. I am looking for a top-notch
institution with a great {area of study} engineering program and {put university name here} certainly meets
that criteria. As a {current grade level} senior I currently maintain a {Your GPA} GPA and have taken my SAT
and ACT tests.
Thanks for all your time and I hope you continue to monitor me and watch me play.
{Your Name and graduation year}
Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club {Team Name}
{Your email address and phone number}