Austin Texans
College Planning Program
Player Scripts and Recruiting Checklist
If you are of high school age, it is important to take an active role in the college recruiting process. The first
step in doing that is to identify the colleges and universities that would make a good fit for you.
Below is a checklist and scripts you will need to copy, paste, and fill in when contacting college coaches
before, during and after you attend showcases or important league games. When you are contacting college
coaches, it is important to include good information, make it personal, and to keep it short.
Important things to keep in mind:
1. Most every coach now relies on e-mail to both contact and receive contact from potential recruits. That is the
preferred method of communication. To find out the e-mail addresses for the coaches you are looking to
contact, simply go to the college's athletic website and look for a staff listing of names and e-mails.
2. Be brief. Coaches at all levels receive dozens and dozens of e-mails/letters from high school-aged players.
All you are trying to do is show you have interest, pass along all of your contact information, your soccer
resume, and provide each coach with an upcoming schedule of your games so he/she can see you play.
3. NEVER have one of your parents write to a coach. You are the one the coach might be recruiting, so he/she
wants to hear from you directly. (If the relationship develops and it appears that you might be attending that
college, they'll be plenty of time for your parents to have contact with the coaching staff.)
4. Provide contact information for your club and high school coach. Nothing is worse for a college coach than
to have to track down your coach's email or phone number. By having both an e-mail address and a phone
number listed after his/her name, it allows for the college coach to quickly email or call your club and/or high
school coach to follow up.
5. Do not send a form letter that starts out with "Dear Coach" and does not mention anything specific about
his/her program and school. The bulk of your email will be kept the same for correspondence you send out to
various coaching staffs; however a portion of it should be personalized.
6. Forward all emails received from college coaches to team coach and college coordinator:
JD Cochran for girls - [email protected]
Jose Reyes for boys - [email protected]
Austin Texans
College Planning Program
Player Checklist Season
Before Each Season
1. Build your player profile using the template found on the Austin Texans website under "College
Planning Program Austin Texans Player Profile Template.” Make sure that you keep it updated
throughout the year as you take exams, obtain awards, etc.
2. Send this profile to your team manager and your team coach.
3. Make a list of 10-20 colleges of interest (freshman/sophomore year). Do research on all these
schools and see if they're something you could be interested academically, athletically, location,
price, etc.
4. Send this list to your team coach and the college coordinator:
JD Cochran for girls - [email protected]
Jose Reyes for boys - [email protected]
Before the Showcase
1. Look on the tournament website to see if any of them are on your list, or if there are any new
colleges of interest
2. Make of list of colleges to write for that particular tournament (even if they are not listed on the
showcase website
3. Write to each college using the script provided (#1 below)
4. Look for the tournament game schedule to come out and once it is out, write a follow up email to
all the college coaches you contacted using the script provided (#2 below)
During the Showcase
1. Send a quick email using the script provided (#3 below) to all the college coaches that attended
your game and CC your team coach. The list of college coaches should be provided by your team
manager or your team coach.
After the Showcase
1. Write a thank you email to all the college coaches who attended your games within 1 week of the
tournament using the script provided and CC your team coach. . (#4 below)
Forward any responses from college coaches to your team coach and the college coordinator so
they can follow up with your progress or make appropriate phone calls.
JD Cochran for girls - [email protected]
Jose Reyes for boys - [email protected]
Let your team coach know if you would like them to contact a school for you for feedback.
**Note: Please see Checklist by Classification under player files on the website for more
information about steps that should be accomplished each year***
Austin Texans
College Planning Program
Player Scripts to College Coaches
1) Script to send to college coaches of interest: Copy, paste, and fill in ALL the yellow highlighted
script. In the subject line write your name, graduating year, and club name (EX: Allie Cruz 2014
Austin Texans 98G Red)
Coach (Coach's Name),
My name is (your name) and I'm a (classification) at (name of high school) in Austin, TX. I am
interested in attending (name of college) because of your (brief reason for interest in academic
program and soccer program EX: fine business management program as well as your soccer
program). (Add other reasons of why you might be interested. EX: My sister, Janice Martin, is
currently a junior there, so I have visited the school several times and have been able to see your
team play three different times).
Currently, I play for the Austin Texans Soccer Club's (name of team EX: 98G Red) team out of Austin,
TX. My club coach's name is (club coach's name). His (or Her) email is: (club coach's email address)
and he (or she) can be reached at: (club coach's phone number). Our team will be playing in the
(Name of showcase) from (dates of the showcase) in (location of showcase), and will also be in (list
any other current showcases that you will be attending that season). I will provide you with our game
schedule once that information is available.
I have attached my soccer resume listing my GPA of a (enter your GPA) and my other academic and
athletic accomplishments. My home phone number is: (enter home phone number) and my cell
number is: (your cell phone number). My email is: (your email address)
I wish you best of luck in your (current or upcoming) season.
(Your name)
(Make sure you attach your player profile to this email)
Austin Texans
College Planning Program
2) Follow up game schedule script: Copy, paste, and fill in ALL the yellow highlighted script. In the
subject line write your name, graduation year, (showcase name) game schedule (EX: Allie Cruz
2014 Texas Shootout Game Schedule)
Coach (Coach's Name),
My name is (your name) and I'm a (classification) at (name of high school) in Austin, TX. As stated in
my previous email, I have attached my game schedule and player profile for the (name of showcase
tournament). Currently, I play (name primary and secondary positions that you play on the field) and I
am number (your jersey number). (Enter any other information that you would like the coaches to
know. EX: I am one of two goalkeepers on this team and I will be playing in the second half of each
game). Thank you for your time and consideration.
(Your name)
(Make sure you attach your player profile and game schedule with Date, Time, Location, and jersey
color and jersey number to this email)
3) Follow up during the showcase script: Copy, paste, and fill in ALL the yellow highlighted script.
In the subject line write your name, graduating year, and club name (EX: Allie Cruz 2014 Austin
Texans 98G Red)
Coach (Coach's Name),
My name is (your name) and I play on the Austin Texans ___ team. My jersey number is _____. I
wanted to send you a quick note and thank you for coming out to my game today. Our remaining
game schedule for the showcase is provided below. Again, thank you very much for taking the time
to come and watch myself and my team play. If you have any feedback about me personally that
would be much appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
(Your name)
(Provide the remaining game schedule of the tournament)
Austin Texans
College Planning Program
4) Follow up after the showcase script: Copy, paste, and fill in ALL the yellow highlighted script. In
the subject line write your name with graduation year, name of showcase, and club name (EX: Allie
Cruz 2014 Texas Shootout Austin Texans 98G Red)
Coach (Coach's Name),
My name is (your name) and I play on the Austin Texans ___ team. I wanted to thank you for coming
out to myself and my team play during the (name of showcase). I have provided a list of future
tournament I will be attending this year if interested. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you
(provide the remaining tournament schedule for the year)
(Your name)
Quick Player Showcase Checklist
Before Each Season
__ Build or Update Player Profile
__ Send profile to team manager and your team coach
__ Make of list of 10-20 schools of interest (send to your team coach and the college coordinator)
Before Each Showcase
__ Research college coaches attending the showcase
__ Make a list of those you may be interested in
__ Write each school to invited them to watch you play using script #1 provided
__ Write each school to give them your game schedule using script #2 provided
During Each Showcase
__ Write all the coaches that attending your games that day using script #3 provided
After Each Showcase
__ Write all coaches that watched your games in the showcases using script #4 provided
__ Forward all college coach responses to your team coach and college coordinator:
JD Cochran for girls - [email protected]
Jose Reyes for boys - [email protected]
__ Contact your team coach if there are any coaches that you would like for them to contact
for feedback.