8110 7
Ave S ● Seattle, Washington 98108 ● (206) 632-5162 P ● (206) 770-6549 F
[email protected] ● www.beelinetours.com
SeaTac Airport requires all charter coaches to stage at a remote holding lot located
10 minutes from the actual pick up location (28
Ave Holding Lot).
After all passengers have retrieved their luggage, you or your group leader must
contact SeaTac Airport Ground Transportation to have your coach dispatched.
You may contact Ground transportation in either one of the following ways:
1. Call direct via cell phone to Ground Transportation at
(206) 787-5904.
2. Use a free telephone from any hotel/bus reader board and dial 55.
Once you are connected with Ground Transportation, tell them your group name
and that you have a BEELINE TOURS Coach waiting for you.
Your group will be directed to the North-East Ground Transportation lot, located
on floor 1 of the parking garage. From Baggage Claim, go across Sky Bridge #3 or
#4 into the parking garage. Take the Blue or Orange elevators to floor 1. Follow
signs to Busses.
Ground transportation staff will page the 28th Ave Lot to inform the driver their
group is ready for pick-up and will assign a designated stall in the North-East
Ground Transportation lot.
Please call Beeline Tours at (206) 632-5162 if you have any trouble.
Terminal to
GT Lot
Port of Seattle
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Ground Transportation
P.O. Box 68727
Seattle, WA 98168
(206) 787 - 5904
(206) 787 - 5906
GT Lot
1) First Floor Lobby
2) Enclosed Walkway
3) Bus Lot Waiting Area
4) North - East GT Lot
Skybridge 2
Skybridge 3
Skybridge 4
Skybridge 5
Baggage Claim to
Baggage Claim to
1st Floor Parking Garage
1st Floor Parking Garage
Skybridge three is located between
carousel 9 and 10.
Cross the skybridge to the parking
To the right of the bridge are purple
colored elevators.
Take the elevator to the first floor.
Between carousel 12 and 13 take
elevator to skybridge 4. Press P for
You can also take the escalator in the
same area.
Cross skybridge 4 to parking garage.
Take orange colored elevators located
to the left to floor 1 and proceed into
Between carousels 7 and 8 there is an
escalator that leads to skybridge 2.
To the right of the escalators is an
elevator. Press P for parking to get to
Skybridge 2.
At the end of the skybridge on the left
are purple colored elevators. Take ele-
vator down to floor 1.
Proceed inside lobby.
The escalator between carousels 14
and 15 leads to skybridge 5.
Cross the skybridge and head to blue
colored elevator to proceed to the bus
lot on the first floor.
The orange colored elevators can also
take you to the first floor lobby.