Mass Transfer Operations
for the Practicing
Louis Theodore
Francesco Ricci
Mass Transfer Operations
for the Practicing
Mass Transfer Operations
for the Practicing
Louis Theodore
Francesco Ricci
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Theodore, Louis.
Mass transfer operations for the practicing engineer / Louis Theodore, Francesco Ricci.
p. cm.
Includes Index.
ISBN 978-0-470-57758-5 (hardback)
1. Engineering mathematics. 2. Mass transfer. I. Ricci, Francesco. II. Title.
TA331.T476 2010
7501512—dc22 2010013924
Printed in the United States of America
To Ann Cadigan and Meg Norris:
for putting up with me (LT)
To my mother Laura, my father Joseph,
and my brother Joseph Jr:
for reasons which need not be spoken (FR)
Preface xv
Part One Introduction
1. History of Chemical Engineering and Mass Transfer Operations
References 5
2. Transport Phenomena vs Unit Operations Approach 7
References 10
3. Basic Calculations 11
Introduction 11
Units and Dimensions 11
Conversion of Units 15
The Gravitational Constant g
Significant Figures and Scientific Notation 17
References 18
4. Process Variables 19
Introduction 19
Temperature 20
Pressure 22
Moles and Molecular Weight 23
Mass, Volume, and Density 25
Viscosity 25
Reynolds Number 28
pH 29
Vapor Pressure 31
Ideal Gas Law 31
References 35
5. Equilibrium vs Rate Considerations 37
Introduction 37
Equilibrium 37
Rate 38
Chemical Reactions 39
References 40
6. Phase Equilibrium Principles 41
Introduction 41
Gibb’s Phase Rule 44
Raoult’s Law 45
Henry’s Law 53
Raoult’s Law vs Henry’s Law 59
VaporLiquid Equilibrium in Nonideal Solutions 61
VaporSolid Equilibrium 64
Liquid Solid Equilibrium 68
References 69
7. Rate Principles 71
Introduction 71
The Operating Line 72
Fick’s Law 73
Diffusion in Gases 75
Diffusion in Liquids 79
Mass Transfer Coefficients 80
Individual Mass Transfer Coefficients 81
Equimolar Counterdiffusion 83
Diffusion of Component A Through Non-diffusing Component B 84
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients 87
Equimolar Counterdiffusion and/or Diffusion in Dilute Solutions 88
Gas Phase Resistance Controlling 89
Liquid Phase Resistance Controlling 89
Experimental Mass Transfer Coefficients 90
References 93
Part Two Applications: Component and Phase Separation Processes
8. Introduction to Mass Transfe r Operations
Introduction 97
viii Contents
Classification of Mass Transfer Operations 97
Contact of Immiscible Phases 98
Miscible Phases Separated by a Membrane 101
Direct Contact of Miscible Phases 102
Mass Transfer Equipment 102
Distillation 103
Absorption 104
Adsorption 104
Extraction 104
Humidification and Drying 105
Other Mass Transfer Unit Operations 105
The Selection Decision 106
Characteristics of Mass Transfer Operations 107
Unsteady-State vs Steady-State Operation 108
Flow Pattern 109
Stagewise vs Continuous Operation 116
References 117
9. Distillation 119
Introduction 119
Flash Distillation 120
Batch Distillation 127
Continuous Distillation with Reflux 133
Equipment and Operation 133
Equilibrium Considerations 140
Binary Distillation Design: McCabeThiele Graphical Method 142
Multicomponent Distillation: FenskeUnderwood Gilliland (FUG)
Method 161
Packed Column Distillation 184
References 185
10. Absorption and Stripping 187
Introduction 187
Description of Equipment 189
Packed Columns 189
Plate Columns 196
Design and Performance Equations—Packed Columns 200
Liquid Rate 200
Column Diameter 207
Column Height 210
Pressure Drop 224
Design and Performance Equations—Plate Columns 227
Stripping 235
Packed vs Plate Tower Comparison 241
Summary of Key Equations 242
References 243
11. Adsorption 245
Introduction 245
Adsorption Classification 247
Activated Carbon 248
Activated Alumina 248
Silica Gel 249
Molecular Sieves 249
Adsorption Equilibria 250
Freundlich Equation 253
Langmuir Isotherms 253
Description of Equipment 257
Design and Performance Equations 264
Regeneration 283
References 291
12. Liquid Liquid and Solid Liquid Extraction 293
Introduction 293
Liquid Liquid Extraction 294
The Extraction Process 294
Equipment 295
Solvent Selection 298
Equilibrium 300
Graphical Procedures 301
Analytical Procedures 304
Solid Liquid Extraction (Leaching) 312
Process Variables 313
Equipment and Operation 315
Design and Predictive Equations 317
References 325
13. Humidification and Drying 327
Introduction 327
Psychrometry and the Psychrometric Chart 327
Humidification 339
x Contents
Equipment 341
Describing Equations 343
Drying 347
Rotary Dryers 352
Spray Dryers 361
References 369
14. Crystallization 371
Introduction 371
Phase Diagrams 373
The Crystallization Process 379
Crystal Physical Characteristics 382
Equipment 391
Describing Equations 393
Design Considerations 397
References 404
15. Membrane Separation Processes 407
Introduction 407
Reverse Osmosis 408
Describing Equations 414
Ultrafiltration 420
Describing Equations 421
Microfiltration 427
Describing Equations 428
Gas Permeation 432
Describing Equations 433
References 437
16. Phase Separation Equipment 439
Introduction 439
Fluid Particle Dynamics 442
Gas Solid (GS) Equipment 446
Gravity Settlers 447
Cyclones 449
Electrostatic Precipitators 454
Venturi Scrubbers 457
Baghouses 461
Gas Liquid (GL) Equipment 465
Liquid Solid (LS) Equipment 467
Sedimentation 467
Centrifugation 471
Flotation 472
Liquid Liquid (LL) Equipment 475
Solid Solid (SS) Equipment 477
High-Gradient Magnetic Separation 477
Solidification 477
References 479
Part Three Other Topics
17. Other and Novel Sep aration Processes
Freeze Crystallization 484
Ion Exchange 484
Liquid Ion Exchange 484
Resin Adsorption 485
Evaporation 485
Foam Fractionation 486
Dissociation Extraction 486
Electrophoresis 486
Vibrating Screens 487
References 488
18. Economics and Finance 489
Introduction 489
The Need for Economic Analyses 489
Definitions 491
Simple Interest 491
Compound Interest 491
Present Worth 492
Evaluation of Sums of Money 492
Depreciation 493
Fabricated Equipment Cost Index 493
Capital Recovery Factor 493
Present Net Worth 494
Perpetual Life 494
Break-Even Point 495
Approximate Rate of Return 495
xii Contents
Exact Rate of Return 495
Bonds 496
Incremental Cost 496
Principles of Accounting 496
Applications 499
References 511
19. Numerical Methods 513
Introduction 513
Applications 514
References 531
20. Open-Ended Problems 533
Introduction 533
Developing Students’ Power of Critical Thinking 534
Creativity 534
Brainstorming 536
Inquiring Minds 536
Failure, Uncertainty, Success: Are They
Angels on a Pin 538
Applications 539
References 547
21. Ethics 549
Introduction 549
Teaching Ethics 550
Case Study Approach 551
Integrity 553
Moral Issues 554
Guardianship 556
Engineering and Environmental Ethics 557
Future Trends 559
Applications 561
References 563
22. Environmental Management and Safety Issues 565
Introduction 565
Environmental Issues of Concern 566
Health Risk Assessment 568
Risk Evaluation Process for Health 570
Hazard Risk Assessment 571
Risk Evaluation Process for Accidents 572
Applications 574
References 591
Appendix A. Units
A.1 The Metric System 595
A.2 The SI System 597
A.3 Seven Base Units 597
A.4 Two Supplementary Units 598
A.5 SI Multiples and Prefixes 599
A.6 Conversion Constants (SI) 599
A.7 Selected Common Abbreviations 603
Appendix B. Miscellaneous Tables 605
Appendix C. Steam Tables 615
Index 623
Mass transfer is one of the basic tenets of chemical engineering, and contains many
practical concepts that are utilized in countless industrial applications. Therefore,
the authors considered writing a practical text. The text would hopefully serve as a
training tool for those individuals in academia and industry involved with mass
transfer operations. Although the literature is inundated with texts emphasizing
theory and theoretical derivations, the goal of this text is to present the subject from
a strictly pragmatic point-of-view.
The book is divided into three parts: Introduction, Applications, and Other
Topics. The first part provides a series of chapters concerned with principles that
are required when solving most engineering problems, including those in mass transfer
operations. The second part deals exclusively with specific mass transfer operations
e.g., distillation, absorption and stripping, adsorption, and so on. The last part
provides an overview of ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology) related topics as they apply to mass transfer operations plus novel
mass transfer processes. An Appendix is also included. An outline of the topics
covered can be found in the Table of Contents.
The authors cannot claim sole authorship to all of the essay material and
illustrative examples in this text. The present book has evolved from a host of sources,
including: notes, homework problems and exam problems prepared by several faculty
for a required one-semester, three-credit, “Principles III: Mass Transfer” undergradu-
ate course offered at Manhattan College; L. Theodore and J. Bard en, “Mass Transfer”,
A Theodore Tutorial, East Williston, NY, 1994; J. Reynolds, J. Jeris, and L. Theodore,
Handbook of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Calculations,” John Wiley
& Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2004, and J. Santoleri, J. Reynolds, and L. Theodore,
Introduction to Hazardous Waste Management,” 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ, 2000. Although the bulk of the problems are original and/or taken
from sources that the authors have been directly involved with, every effort has
been made to acknowledge material drawn from other sources.
It is hoped that we have placed in the hands of academic, industrial, and
government personnel, a book that covers the principles and applications of mass
transfer in a thorough and clear manner. Upon completion of the text, the reader
should have acquired not only a working knowledge of the principles of mass transfer
operations, but also experience in their application; and, the reader should find him-
self/herself approaching advanced texts, engineering literature and industrial appli-
cations (even unique ones) with more confidence. We strongly believe that, while
understanding the basic concepts is of paramount importance, this knowledge may
be rendered virtually useless to an engineer if he/she cannot apply these concepts to
real-world situations. This is the essence of engineering.
Last, but not least, we believe that this modest work will help the majority of indi-
viduals working and/or studying in the field of engineering to obtain a more complete
understanding of mass transfer operations. If you have come this far and read through
most of the Preface, you have more than just a passing interest in this subject. We
strongly suggest that you try this text; we think you will like it.
Our sincere thanks are extended to Dr. Paul Marnell at Manhattan College for his
invaluable help in contributing to Chapter 9 on Distillation and Chapter 14 on
Crystallization. Thanks are also due to Anne Mohan for her assistance in preparing
the first draft of Chapter 13 (Humidification and Drying) and to Brian Bermingham
and Min Feng Zheng for their assistance during the preparation of Chapter 12
(Liquid Liquid and Solid Liquid Extraction). Finally, Shannon O’Brien, Kathryn
Scherpf and Kimberly Valentine did an exceptional job in reviewing the manuscript
and page proofs.
NOTE: An additional resource is available for this text. An accompanying website
contains over 200 additional problems and 15 hours of exams; solutions for the
problems and exams are available at for those who adopt the book
for training and/or academic purposes.
Part One
The purpose of this Part can be found in its title. The book itself offers the reader
the fundamentals of mass transfer operations with appropriate practical applications,
and serves as an introduction to the specialized and more sophisticated texts in this
area. The reader should realize that the contents are geared towards practitioners in
this field, as well as students of science and engineering, not chemical engineers per
se. Simply put, topics of interest to all practicing engineers have been included.
Finally,it should also be noted that the microscopic approach of mass transferoperations
is not treated in any required undergraduateManhattan College offering. The Manhattan
approach is to place more emphasis on real-world and design applications. However,
microscopic approachmaterial is available in the literature, as noted in the ensuing chap-
ters. The decision on whether to include the material presented ultimately depends on
the reader and/or the approach and mentality of both the instructor and the institution.
A general discussion of the philosophy and the contents of this introductory
section follows.
Since the chapters in this Part provide an introduction and overview of mass trans-
fer operations, there is some duplication due to the nature of the overlapping nature of
overview/introductory material, particularly those dealing with principles. Part One
chapter contents include:
1 History of Chemical Engineering and Mass Transfer Operations
2 Transport Phenomena vs Unit Operations Approach
3 Basic Calculations
4 Process Variables
5 Equilibrium vs Rate Considerations
6 Phase Equilibrium Principles
7 Rate Principles
Topics covered in the first two introductory chapters include a history of chemical
engineering and mass transfer operations, and a discussion of transport phenomena
vs unit operations. The remaining chapters are concerned with introductory
engineering principles. The next Part is concerned with describing and designing
the various mass transfer unit operations and equipment.
Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer. By Louis Theodore and Francesco Ricci
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 1
History of Chemical
Engineering and Mass
Transfer Operations
A discussion on the field of chemical engineering is warranted before proceeding to
some specific details regarding mass transfer operations (MTO) and the contents of
this first chapter. A reasonable question to ask is: What is Chemical Engineering?
An outdated, but once official definition provided by the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers is:
Chemical Engineering is that branch of engineering concerned with the development
and application of manufacturing processes in which chemical or certain physical
changes are involved. These processes may usually be resolved into a coordinated series
of unit physical “operations” (hence part of the name of the chapter and book) and chemical
processes. The work of the chemical engineer is concerned primarily with the design,
construction, and operation of equipment and plants in which these unit operations and
processes are applied. Chemistry, physics, and mathematics are the underlying sciences of
chemical engineering, and economics is its guide in practice.
The above definition was appropriate up until a few decades ago when the profession
branched out from the chemical industry. Today, that definition has changed.
Although it is still based on chemical fundamentals and physical principles, these prin-
ciples have been de-emphasized in order to allow for the expansion of the profession to
other areas (biotechnology, semiconductors, fuel cells, environment, etc.). These areas
include environmental management, health and safety, computer applications, and
economics and finance. This has led to many new definitions of chemical engineering,
several of which are either too specific or too vague. A definition proposed here is
simply that “Chemical Engineers solve problems”. Mass transfer is the one subject
area that somewhat uniquely falls in the domain of the chemical engineer. It is
often presented after fluid flow
and heat transfer,
since fluids are involved as
well as heat transfer and heat effects can become important in any of the mass transfer
unit operations.
Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer. By Louis Theodore and Francesco Ricci
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A classical approach to chemical engineering education, which is still used
today, has been to develop problem solving skills through the study of several
topics. One of the topics that has withstood the test of time is mass transfer operations;
the area that this book is concerned with. In many mass transfer operations, one
component of a fluid phase is transferred to another phase because the component
is more soluble in the latter phase. The resulting distribution of components between
phases depends upon the equilibrium of the system. Mass transfer operations may also
be used to separate products (and reactants) and may be used to remove byproducts
or impurities to obtain highly pure products. Finally, it can be used to purify raw
Although the chemical engineering profession is usually thought to have
originated shortly before 1900, many of the processes associated with this discipline
were developed in antiquity. For example, filtration operations were carried out
5000 years ago by the Egyptians. MTOs such as crystallization, precipitation, and
distillation soon followed. During this period, other MTOs evolved from a mixture
of craft, mysticism, incorrect theories, and empirical guesses.
In a very real sense, the chemical industry dates back to prehistoric times when
people first attempted to control and modify their environment. The chemical industry
developed as did any other trade or craft. With little knowledge of chemical science
and no means of chemical analysis, the earliest chemical “engineers” had to rely on
previous art and superstition. As one would imagine, progress was slow. This changed
with time. The chemical industry in the world today is a sprawling complex of
raw-material sources, manufacturing plants, and distribution facilities which supply
society with thousands of chemical products, most of which were unknown over a
century ago. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, an increased demand arose
for engineers trained in the fundamentals of chemical processes. This demand was
ultimately met by chemical engineers.
The first attempt to organize the principles of chemical processing and to clarify
the professional area of chemical engineering was made in England by George E.
Davis. In 1880, he organized a Society of Chemical Engineers and gave a series of
lectures in 1887 which were later expanded and published in 1901 as A Handbook
of Che mical Engineering. In 1888, the first course in chemical engineering in the
United States was organized at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by
Lewis M. Norton, a professor of industrial chemistry. The course applied aspects of
chemistry and mechanical engineering to chemical processes.
Chemical engineering began to gain professional acceptance in the early years of
the twentieth century. The American Chemical Society had been founded in 1876 and,
in 1908, it organized a Division of Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers while
authorizing the publication of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
Also in 1908, a group of prominent chemical engineers met in Philadelphia and
founded the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
The mold for what is now called chemical engineering was fashioned at the 1922
meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers when A. D. Little’s commit-
tee presented its report on chemical engineering education. The 1922 meeting marked
the official endorsement of the unit operations concept and saw the approval of a
Chapter 1 History of Chemical Engineering and Mass Transfer Operations
“declaration of independence” for the profession.
A key component of this report
included the following:
Any chemical process, on whatever scale conducted, may be resolved into a
coordinated series of what may be termed “unit operations,” as pulverizing, mixing,
heating, roasting, absorbing, precipitation, crystallizing, filtering, dissolving, and so on.
The number of these basic unit operations is not very large and relatively few of them
are involved in any particular process...An ability to cope broadly and adequately with the
demands of this (the chemical engineer’s) profession can be attained only
through the analysis of processes into the unit actions as they are carried out on the
commercial scale under the conditions imposed by practice.
It also went on to state that:
Chemical Engineering, as distinguished from the aggregate number of subjects
comprised in courses of that name, is not a composite of chemistry and mechanical and
civil engineering, but is itself a branch of engineering...
A time line diagram of the history of chemical engineering between the
profession’s founding to the present day is shown in Figure 1.1.
As can be seen
from the time line, the profession has reached a crossroads regarding the future edu-
cation/curriculum for chemical engineers. This is highlighted by the differences of
Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations, a topic that is treated in the next chapter.
1. P. ABULENCIA and L. THEODORE,“Fluid Flow for the Practicing Engineer,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
NJ, 2009.
2. L. T
HEODORE,“Heat Transfer for the Practicing Engineer,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011
(in preparation).
3. N. S
ERINO, “2005 Chemical Engineering 125th Year Anniversary Calendar,” term project, submitted to
L. Theodore, 2004.
4. R. B
IRD,W.STEWART, and E. LIGHTFOOT,“Transport Phenomena,” 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Hoboken, NJ, 2002.
NOTE: Additional problems are available for all readers at Follow
links for this title. These problems may be used for additional review, homework,
and/or exam purposes.
History of Chemical Engineering and Mass Transfer Operations 5
George Davis
proposes a
“Society of
Engineers” in
George Davis
provides the blueprint
for a new profession
with 12 lectures on
Chemical Engineering
in Manchester,
Institute of
begins “Course
X”, the first four-
year Chemical
program in the
United States
Institute of
Technology starts
an Independent
Department of
begins its
begins its
College begins
its Chemical
Adoption of the
R. Bird et al.
ABET; stresses
once again the
emphasis on the
Unit Operations
the profession
at a crossroad
William H. Walker
and Warren K.
Lewis, two
establish a
School of
Institute of
is formed
1888 1892 1894 1908 1916 1920 1960 1990 Today
Figure 1.1 Chemical engineering time line.
Chapter 2
Transport Phenomena vs Unit
Operations Approach
The history of Unit Operations is interesting. As indicated in the previous chapter,
chemical engineering courses were originally based on the study of unit processes
and/or industrial technologies. However, it soon became apparent that the changes
produced in equipment from different industries were similar in nature, i.e., there
was a commonality in the mass transfer operations in the petroleum industry as with
the utility industry. These similar operations became known as Unit Operations.
This approach to chemical engineering was promulgated in the Little report discussed
earlier, and has, with varying degrees and emphasis, dominated the profession to
this day.
The Unit Operations approach was adopted by the profession soon after its
inception. During the 130 years (since 1880) that the profession has been in existence
as a branch of enginee ring, society’s needs have changed tremendously and so has
chemical engineering.
The teaching of Unit Operations at the undergraduate level has remained rela-
tively unchanged since the publication of several early- to mid-1900 texts. However,
by the middle of the 20th century, there was a slow movement from the unit operation
concept to a more theoretical treatment called transport phenomena or, more simply,
engineering science. The focal point of this science is the rigorous mathematical
description of all physical rate processes in terms of mass, heat, or momentum crossing
phase boundaries. This approach took hold of the education/curriculum of the
profession with the publication of the first edition of the Bird et al. book.
including both authors of this text, feel that this concept set the profession back several
decades since graduating chemical engineers, in terms of training, were more applied
physicists than traditional chemical engineers. There has fortunately been a return to
the traditional approach to chemical engineering, primarily as a result of the efforts of
ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). Detractors to this
pragmatic approach argue that this type of theoretical education experience provides
answers to what and how, but not necessarily why, i.e., it provides a greater under-
standing of both fundamental physical and chemical processes. However, in terms
Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer. By Louis Theodore and Francesco Ricci
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
of reality, nearly all chemical engineers are now presently involved with the why
questions. Therefore, material normally covered here has been replaced, in part, with
a new emphasis on solving design and open-ended problems; this approach is
emphasized in this text.
The following paragraphs attempt to qualitatively describe the differences
between the above two approaches. Both deal with the transfer of certain quantities
(momentum, energy, and mass) from one point in a system to another. There are
three basic transport mechanisms which can potentially be involved in a process.
They are:
1 Radiation
2 Convection
3 Molecular Diffusion
The first mechanism, radiative transfer, arises as a result of wave motion and is not
considered, since it may be justifiably neglected in most engineering applications.
The second mechanism, convective transfer, occurs simply because of bulk motion.
The final mechanism, molecular diffusion, can be defined as the transport mechanism
arising as a result of gradients. For example, momentum is transferred in the presence
of a velocity gradient; energy in the form of heat is transferred because of a temperature
gradient; and, mass is transferred in the presence of a concentration gradient. These
molecular diffusion effects are described by phenomenological laws.
Momentum, energy, and mass are all conserved. As such, each quantity obeys the
conservation law within a system:
out of
generated in
in system
This equation may also be written on a time rate basis:
out of
generated in
in system
The conservation law may be applied at the macroscopic, microscopic, or
molecular level.
One can best illustrate the differences in these methods with an example. Consider
a system in which a fluid is flowing through a cylindrical tube (see Fig. 2.1) and define
the system as the fluid contained within the tube between points 1 and 2 at any time. If
one is interested in determining changes occurring at the inlet and outlet of a system,
the conservation law is applied on a “macroscopic” level to the entire system. The
resultant equation (usually algebraic) describes the overall changes occurring to the
system (or equipment). This approach is usually applied in the Unit Operation
Chapter 2 Transport Phenomena vs Unit Operations Approach
(or its equivalent) courses, an approach which is highlighted in this text and its
two companion texts.
In the microscopic/transport phenomena approach, detailed information con-
cerning the behavior within a system is required; this is occasionally requested of
and by the engineer. The conservation law is then applied to a differential element
within the system that is large compared to an individual molecule, but small com-
pared to the entire system. The resulting differential equation is then expanded via
an integration in order to describe the behavior of the entire system.
The molecular approach involves the application of the conservation laws to
individual molecules. This leads to a study of statistical and quantum mechanics—
both of which are beyond the scope of this text. In any case, the description at the
molecular level is of little value to the practicing engineer. However, the statistical
averaging of molecular quantities in either a differential or finite element within a
system can lead to a more meaningful description of the behavior of a system.
Both the microscopic and molecular approaches shed light on the physical
reasons for the observed macroscopic phenomena. Ultimately, however, for the practi-
cing engineer, these approaches may be valid but are akin to attempting to kill a fly
with a machine gun. Developing and solving these equations (in spite of the advent
of computer software packages) is typically not worth the trouble.
Traditionally, the applied mathematician has developed differential equations
describing the detailed behavior of systems by applying the appropriate conser-
vation law to a differential element or shell within the system. Equations were derived
with each new application. The engineer later removed the need for these tedious
and error-prone derivations by developing a general set of equations that could
be used to describe systems. These have come to be referred to by many as the
transport equations. In recent years, the trend toward expressing these equations in
vector form has gained momentum (no pun intended). However, the shell-balance
approach has been retained in most texts where the equations are presented in
componential form, i.e., in three particular coordinate systems—rectangular, cylindri-
cal, and spherical. The componential terms can be “lumped together to produce a
more concise equation in vector form. The vector equation can be, in turn, re-expanded
into other coordinate systems. This information is available in the literature.
Fluid in
Fluid out
Figure 2.1 Flow system.
Transport Phenomena vs Unit Operations Approach 9
Explain why the practicing engineer/scientist invariably employs the macroscopic approach in
the solution of real world problems.
SOLUTION: The macroscopic approach involves examining the relationship between
changes occurring at the inlet and the outlet of a system. This approach attempts to identify
and solve problems found in the real world, and is more straightforward than and preferable
to the more involved microscopic approach. The microscopic approach, which requires an
understanding of all internal variations taking place within the system that can lead up to an over-
all system result, simply may not be necessary. B
1. R. BIRD,W.STEWART, and E. LIGHTFOOT,“Transport Phenomena,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
NJ, 1960.
2. L. T
HEODORE,“Heat Transfer for the Practicing Engineer,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011
(in preparation).
3. P. A
BULENCIA and L. THEODORE,“Fluid Flow for the Practicing Engineer,” John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
NJ, 2009.
4. L. T
HEODORE,“Introduction to Transport Phenomena,” International Textbook Co., Scranton, PA, 1970.
NOTE: Additional problems are available for all readers at Follow
links for this title. These problems may be used for additional review, homework,
and/or exam purposes.
Chapter 2 Transport Phenomena vs Unit Operations Approach
Chapter 3
Basic Calculations
This chapter provides a review of basic calculations and the fundamentals of
measurement. Four topics receive treatment:
1 Units and Dimensions
2 Conversion of Units
3 The Gravitational Constant, g
4 Significant Figures and Scientific Notation
The reader is directed to the literature in the Reference section of this chapter
(1 3)
additional information on these four topics.
The units used in this text are consistent with those adopted by the engineering
profession in the United States. For engineering work, SI (Syste
me International)
and English units are most often employed. In the United States, the English engineer-
ing units are generally used, although efforts are still underway to obtain universal
adoption of SI units for all engineering and science applications. The SI units have
the advantage of being based on the decimal system, which allows for more con-
venient conversion of units within the system. There are other systems of units;
some of the more common of these are shown in Table 3.1. Although English engin-
eering units will primarily be used, Tables 3.2 and 3.3 present units for both the
English and SI systems, respectively. Some of the more common prefixes for SI
units are given in Table 3.4 (see also Appendix A.5) and the decimal equivalents
are provided in Table 3.5. Conversion factors between SI and English units and
additional details on the SI system are provided in Appendices A and B.
Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer. By Louis Theodore and Francesco Ricci
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Table 3.1 Common Systems of Units
System Length Time Mass Force Energy Temperature
SI meter second kilogram Newton Joule Kelvin, degree Celsius
egs centimeter second gram dyne erg, Joule, or calorie Kelvin, degree Celsius
fps foot second pound poundal foot poundal degree Rankine, degree
American Engineering foot second pound pound (force) British thermal unit,
degree Rankine, degree
British Engineering foot second slug pound (force) British thermal unit,
foot pound (force)
degree Rankine, degree