Quest Chermside Pet Friendly Apartment Terms and Conditions
Quest Chermside understands that not all pets are created equal, so we ask that if you are unsure about any of the
below terms and conditions that you contact a member of our team.
Whilst occupying an apartment you agree to the below terms and conditions:
1. Upon check-in a credit card is required for a pre-authorisation of $200.00 for 1 to 3 nights and $500 for 4
or more. This is not a payment, simply a freeze of funds, this will affect your available funds and
depending on your financial institution can vary on how long this takes to release back to available
funds. Should the terms and conditions outlined by Quest Chermside not be followed to a satisfactory
level the full pre-authorisation will be kept. Guests who wish to use cash instead are required to provide
$500.00 cash bond as well as the full accommodation payment.
2. The registered guest is liable for any damages to the apartment, furniture and fittings including
scratching on the furniture.
3. Pets are not permitted on the bed or furniture. The guest is responsible for pet bedding.
4. Upon departure the registered guests are responsible for the sanitizing fee of $200.00 occasionally more
or less depending on the length of stay and type of pet. This is done by a contracted cleaner and cannot
be avoided in any circumstance.
5. You are required to walk your dog regularly and frequently on a lead to ensure it is well exercised and
toileted outside.
6. For stays longer than 1 week your dog must be bathed to ensure doggy smells are kept to a minimum.
Constant barking, howling or crying will not be accepted. Quest Chermside reserves the right to
terminate the pet friendly reservation at any time.
8. Excess smells of pets will not be accepted. Quest Chermside reserves the right to terminate the pet
friendly reservation at any time.
9. It is the registered guest’s responsibility to clean up all mess from pets including faeces. Failure to do
so will result in additional cleaning charges, and in extreme cases termination of the reservation.
10. All pets must not exceed a maximum weight of 10kg and are to be on leads when in guest common
areas. Pets are only to be in guest common areas when entering and exiting the building.
11. Whilst you are not in your apartment pets must be locked inside. Failure to do so will result in
termination of the pet friendly reservation.
12. Quest Chermside accepts no responsibility or liability for pets at any time during pet friendly
13. Housekeeping staff MUST be able to enter your apartment at a minimum of once a day to ensure that pet
friendly terms and conditions are followed.
We ask that you please provide the following information on your pet:
Pet Name
Type of Pet
Pet Breed
Yes / No
What information is on collar
I _______________________________ on the ______ of ________________ 20____ have read above terms and
conditions and have understood and agreed to them. I understand that I will be liable for any costs associated with my
Guest Name