in the
H.e. Stuckenhoff
Department of Nursing
Updated 08/11/22
Accrediting agencies and national standard boards associated with the Nursing program
Wyoming State Board of Nursing (2011)
130 Hobbs Avenue, Suite B
Cheyenne, WY 82002
(307) 777-7601
Wyoming State Board of Nursing
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 | Atlanta, GA 30326
P. 404-975-5000
F. 404-975-5020
Accreditation Comission for Education in Nursing
Casper College adheres to federal nondiscrimination standards. For more information see
the catalog or web site, or contact the human resources office at 307-268-2634
S Student Handbook
G Guide
F Faculty
CAT Catalog
E.C Evaluation Committee
C.C. Curriculum Committee
R.C. Resource Committee
Thank you…
... for your interest in associate degree nursing education at Casper College. The program is
nationally recognized and has graduates functioning as registered nurses nationwide.
The information in this booklet is designed to supplement the information in the current Casper
College Catalog. Casper College Catalog
The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is part of ReNEW statewide baccalaureate (BSN)
curriculum and is comprised of selected general education courses along with required clinical
and non-clinical nursing courses. Upon receipt of the ADN, the graduate can take the NCLEX-RN,
become a registered nurse, and continue on toward the BSN if all prerequisites are met.
Thank you… ...............................................................................................................................3
Contents .....................................................................................................................................4
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes.............................................................................5
Program Outcomes ....................................................................................................................5
Admission Requirements............................................................................................................6
Clinical Accessibility Policy.........................................................................................................8
Background Check / Drug & Alcohol Policies .............................................................................9
Requirements. ............................................................................................................................9
Content Delivery.........................................................................................................................9
Clinical Information ...................................................................................................................10
Confidentiality Policy ................................................................................................................10
Student Organization................................................................................................................10
Academic Progression Policy ...................................................................................................10
Grading Policy ..........................................................................................................................10
About the ReNEW Curriculum ..................................................................................................11
Examination for RN Licensure..................................................................................................13
Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) .................................................................................14
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) ................................................................................14
Casper College Testing Center (TC) ........................................................................................16
Policies and Procedures...........................................................................................................16
Renew Admission Ranking Worksheet.....................................................................................17
Admission Checklist .................................................................................................................18
Estimated Expenses.................................................................................................................19
Application Form.......................................................................................................................20
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, the graduate will be expected to:
1. Provide safe nursing care within the healthcare system.
2. Incorporate prior knowledge, current research, and clinical experience in decision-making.
3. Demonstrate leadership skills as part of an interprofessional team to promote desired
4. Use effective communication and advocacy to provide individualized care.
5. Practice within the core values, principles, and standards of the nursing profession.
6. Utilize the nursing process and a broad knowledge base to maximize health.
ReNEW CNE 8/17
Program Outcomes
1. Achieve end-of program student learning outcomes.
2. Achieve 80% licensure exam pass rate.
3. Achieve 50% program completion rate.
4. Achieve 85% job placement rate six months after graduation.
5. Achieve 60% rate of ADN graduates pursuing BSN.
Admission Requirements
Casper College Requirements
1. Students may take classes at Casper College as unclassified students, but the faculty
recommends that those interested in the nursing program apply as classified students. This allows
the student to take full advantage of formal academic advising with a nursing faculty member.
2. To apply as a classified student, the applicant must:
a. Submit a completed Casper College application form to Admissions and Student Records
Office, declaring a major in pre-nursing health science.
b. Arrange for high school and previous college transcripts or GED certification (if applicable) to
be sent to Admissions and Student Records Office.
c. See the catalog for specific eligibility requirements.
3. When the above documents are received, Admissions and Student Records Office will send a
notification letter to applicants. Instructions for registration will be included in the notification.
4. Once you have taken and provided the results of the appropriate placement tests for English and
math, you will be assigned a nursing faculty academic advisor by the School of Health Science
office assistant, who will contact you with that information though your Casper College e-mail
account. You may also call the School of Health Science to ask who has been assigned as your
advisor at (307) 268-2855.
School of Health Science Requirements
1. For admission and progression in a Casper College Health Science Program, a qualified individual
is one who, with or without reasonable accommodation or modification, meets the essential
eligibility requirements for participation in the program. The Health Science fields are practice
disciplines with cognitive, sensory, affective, and psychomotor performance requirements. Based
on these requirements, a list of “Core Performance Standards” has been developed. These
standards are part of program courses, and some of the standards are more prevalent than others.
These standards will be used to assist faculty, the Program Director, and the School of Health
Science Dean in determining whether a student meets the essential eligibility requirements for
admission and progression in the program. These standards should also be used to assist
students in determining whether accommodations or modifications are necessary for the student
to meet program requirements. Students who identify potential difficulties with meeting the “Core
Performance Standards” must communicate their concerns to the Accommodative Services
Counselor as well as the Program Director. Determination is made on an individual basis as to
whether a student meets the essential eligibility requirements or whether or not the necessary
accommodations or modifications can be reasonably made for participation in the Health Science
2. All admitted Health Sciences students are expected to participate in simulation activities and
consent to video recording to optimize instruction and learning.
3. Readmission into a Casper College Health Science Program or transfer between Casper College
Health Science programs is at the discretion of the faculty and dean. The faculty and dean will
base readmission or transfer decisions on the adopted general Health Science “Core Performance
Standards” and specific department criteria.
NOTE: Students transferring from the Associate Degree in Nursing to another degree may
need to take additional courses to meet general education requirements.
Critical thinking Critical thinking ability to exercise non-clinical and clinical judgment
in a timely manner
Interpersonal Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact professionally and
therapeutically with peers, faculty, staff, administrators,
patients/clients, families and groups from a variety of social,
emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds
Communication Communication skills sufficient for interaction with peers, faculty,
staff, administrators, patients/clients, families and groups in verbal,
nonverbal, and written form
Mobility Physical abilities sufficient to move from room to room, safely
perform treatments/procedures and assist patients/clients; lift and
transfer patients/clients; manipulate equipment; walk and/or stand
for extended periods of time
Motor skills Gross and fine motor skills sufficient to provide safe and effective
patient/client care
Hearing Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and safely assess health needs
Visual Visual ability with or without corrective lenses sufficient for
observation and assessment necessary in safe patient/client care
Tactile Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment of patient/client
Professionalism The ability to understand and demonstrate sufficient respect for
others in non-verbal, verbal, and written communication in the
classroom, laboratory, clinical settings, in the Casper College
community, and in related public settings. The ability to
demonstrate sufficient understanding of the cumulative effect that
behavior, appearance, and communication has on the health
science professional image.
General Health Science Core Performance Standards
Reviewed S, G 05/13 Chairs
Digital Learning Academic Integrity Statement
Casper College demands intellectual honesty in all courses. Only admitted and registered Casper
College Students who have been assigned logins and passwords are allowed access to online and
hybrid courses. These secure logins verify the identity of the student. Proven plagiarism or any form of
academic dishonesty associated with the academic process may result in course failure, dismissal from
a program, or expulsion from Casper College, or other consequences. See the Casper College Student
Code of Conduct for more information on this topic.
3-11-15 Dean HS
Associate Degree Nursing Program Requirements
1. Have graduated from high school or have earned a GED;
2. Submit a completed application form with all college transcripts to the Admissions and Student
Records Office and a departmental application form (last page of this booklet) to the nursing
director by the admission deadline. See the nursing program website for admission dates.
3. Have taken the appropriate placements tests and completed courses recommended by this test
with a “C” or better. If students have successfully completed college-level math and or English
courses, they will not be required to re-take them.
4. Have completed with a “C” or better, or currently enrolled in the following courses: (If currently
enrolled, application ranking points will be equal to the credit hours of the course. See Admission
Ranking Worksheet. If points are within the highest 32 scores, a tentative admission would be
granted with confirmation following submission of a passing grade in the course.)
ENGL 1010 : English Composition I
MATH 1400 : Pre-Calculus Algebra
HMDV 1300: On Course
HLTK 1300 : Nursing Boot Camp
5. Have completed Human Anatomy (ZOO 2040 and 2041or 2015) or equivalent course with a “C”
or better within the last five years. (If Human Physiology (ZOO 2110 or 2025) or its equivalent
has been taken, this too must be within 5 years previous to admission)
6. Have a degree college grade point average of 2.5 or higher for admission.
7. A Proficient score or higher on the ATI Test of Essential Skills (ATI/TEAS) is required as part of
the application process. Developmental and Basic scores are not eligible to apply. (Please
see ATI Information below).
8. Students are admitted twice per year.
9. Withdrawal from one or more courses may delay program admission and/or progression. Nursing
advisor input is recommended.
10. There are various requirements (vaccinations, etc.) first semester nursing students must meet.
Specific information will be provided upon acceptance to the program.
11. It is the policy of the H.E. Stuckenhoff Department of Nursing to minimize the risk of an
allergic/anaphylactic reaction to latex, identify those at risk and provide a latex safe environment.
Revised: 10/11 TNF, updated 1/14, 4/14. 10/15, 7/16, 2/17- DON
Renew Admission Process
1. Once meeting the requirements as stated above, the prenursing student may apply for the
nursing program; you may be currently enrolled or have completed the prerequisite classes.
2. Applications are accepted twice a year for fall and spring admission. Thirty-two students are
admitted each semester.
3. The application for admission is accepted for two weeks application period, with the deadline
approximately March 1
and October 1
, the specific dates are noted on the website.
4. Once the application date is closed, the application processing may take up to a month to
complete. The student will be notified by the Director of Nursing of either acceptance or on the
alternate list.
5. The applicants will then be reviewed at the end of the semester with confirmation of all
prerequisites completed and the final admission list will be confirmed.
6. The acceptance letter indicates the date the letter must be signed and returned to the director.
7. The alternate list will be finalized after the end of the semester with conformation of
8. The students on the alternate list may be admitted up to one week after the beginning of the
9. Students that are not successful in the 1
semester will be added to the alternate list with their
previous admission-ranking sheet at the end of the semester.
10. The students who were previously in the 1
semester may be admitted up to two weeks after the
beginning of the semester. Per the discretion of the DON and faculty.
Clinical Accessibility Policy
Casper College Health Science programs utilize a variety of health care agencies in the community for
clinical experience for the students. If you have been employed in one or more of the agencies and
are not eligible for rehire as an employee, the agency may not permit you to participate in the essential
clinical component of the program.
Please contact the Human Resources department of the affected agency and request documentation
from HR that states the agency’s position on your participation in the clinical component of the program.
If you receive a negative response from the agency, you are automatically ineligible to apply. A
response indicating you will be permitted to attend clinical in the agency will be given to the program
director prior to the selection process for admission to the program. If you are unable to fulfill clinical
requirements due to a previous employment issue or another issue(s) and have not complied with the
above, you could be denied entry in a Health Science program or be dismissed from program. Some
programs do not have clinical assignments until the second, third, or fourth semester; students who are
denied clinical accessibility at any time prior to or during a program will be dismissed.
Reviewed G,S; 3/10 RC
Background Check / Drug & Alcohol Policies
Students enrolled in any of the health science programs will participate in clinical experiences in a
variety of agencies. Prior to participating in the clinical experiences, students will be subject to that
agency’s requirements for a background check, drug testing and drug abuse prevention policies.
Students are then subject to the drug testing policy of that agency and as specified through Casper
College program handbooks.
Following graduation, several of the state and/or national licensing or certification (registry) boards,
including the Wyoming State Board of Nursing, may refuse to allow a graduate to sit for the required
exam or issue a license or certification to a person who has a prior felony conviction or proven history
of drug or alcohol abuse. Applicants to whom this applies should consult the program director for further
9/19/13 TNF
Students must obtain the American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Basic Life Support CPR
card upon entrance to the Nursing Program. The course (0.33 credit) is offered to admitted nursing
students at the beginning of Semester 1 to meet this requirement. If a student restarts the program at
any point, the card must be submitted showing duration through the remainder of the program. This
may mean the student needs to renew the card at an earlier date than the expiration.
Students must show proof of a negative TB test or X-ray report upon acceptance to the annually
Nursing Program, dated per nursing director’s instructions. This is to be submitted yearly or more
often if required by the clinical facility. If a student restarts the program at any point, proof of a
negative TB test must be submitted again. As X-ray reports are no longer accepted at all facilities, a
T-spot or other test may be required per facility requirements.
All immunizations must be completed or in process when starting the nursing program. The following
is a list of immunizations required but subject to change due to clinical facility requirements: Hepatitis
series, MMR, Varicella, flu vaccine and Covid vaccine.
All the requirements will be electronically scanned to MyClnical Exchange. All requirements must be
kept in compliance for duration of program.
Updated DON 07/22
Content Delivery
Casper College nursing program is currently a flipped classroom for the majority of our content
delivery. The flipped classroom is a model of teaching in which a student’s homework is guided
preparation outside of class (i.e.- online assignments, reading, etc.). Class time is spent on inquiry-
based learning activities to facilitate application of content.
Written- 5/13-CC, updated 10/15 DON
Clinical Information
In the fourth semester of the nursing program, clinical time is preceptor-based and thus the clinical
schedule requires flexibility. Based on agency placement, expenses maybe incurred.
Written G, S 04/13 CC
Confidentiality Policy
Students are expected to maintain client, family and peer confidentiality in every setting. Breach of
confidentiality could result in dismissal from the program.
Reviewed G, G; 3/08 EC
Student Organization
Pre-nursing and nursing students are encouraged to participate in the total activities of the college,
which includes the Student Nurses’ Association as preparation for the professional role.
Revised S,G; 3/10 RC
Academic Progression Policy
To progress in the nursing program, the student must:
1. Take all nursing courses in sequence as listed on the Curriculum Plan. In the event of failure from
a nursing course, the course will be taken in the subsequent semester, space permitting. Re-entry
and reapplication policies apply.
2. Attain a "C" or better in NURS 1100, NURS 1200, NURS 2300, and NURS 2400.
3. Achieve a satisfactory clinical rating in all nursing courses.
4. Maintain core performance standards for nursing.
5. Maintain the college and departmental standards of student conduct.
6. Withdrawal from course(s) without advisor input may delay program admission and/or
7. Progression standards for continuing toward the BSN through the ReNEW curriculum at the
University of Wyoming:
a. Graduating from the ADN program and successfully passaging the NCLEX-RN
Revised G,S 10/14 CC,TNF, updated 10/16 DON
Grading Policy
The Casper College Nursing Program adheres to a higher standard than the campus at large. The
letter grades are listed below with their equivalent percentages.
A = 91-100%
B = 83-90%
C = 75-82%
D = 70-74%
F = 0-69%
Please note we DO NOT round up. We are based on a points system, so a student must earn a
certain number of points to earn the desired grade per the course syllabus.
Written G; 03/11 DON
Casper College Nursing ReNEW Curriculum Plan ADN
Note: Proficient score or higher on TEAS necessary for application to program
Prerequisites Courses Credits Total ADN
Bold courses are
prerequisites for the ADN
ENGL 1010 : English Composition I
MATH 1400 : Pre-Calculus Algebra
ZOO 2040 and ZOO 2041 or 2015 : Human Anatomy/Lab (or
HMDV 1300: OnCourse (no exceptions)
HLTK 1300 : Nursing Boot Camp
Total Credits
ADN Year One Semester 1 Credits Semester 2 Credits
Underlined courses
are co-requisites
(or may be taken
with BSN
All underlined
courses are
available at Casper
NURS 1100 : Professional Nursing
Care in Health Promotion
NURS 1200: Professional Nursing
Care of the Patient with Chronic
ZOO 2110/2025: Human Physiology
(or equivalent)
4 PSYC 1000: General Psychology 3
CMAP-1550 e-Portfolio
Total Semester Credits 15
Total Semester Credits
Completion of all requirements to this point meets benchmark for optional PN Certificate
ADN Year Two Semester 3 Credits Semester 4 Credits
NURS 2300: Professional Nursing
Care of the Patient with Acute Illness
NURS 2400: Professional Nursing
Care of the Patient with Complex
ENGL 1020 English Composition II 3 POLS 1000: US and WY Gov’t 3
Total Semester Credits 13 Total Semester Credits 13
Total Credits 26
Associate Degree In Nursing Benchmark with Degree Conferred. Total AND Credits 68
About the ReNEW Curriculum
The H.E Stuckenhoff Department of Nursing at Casper College has joined with the other Community
College Nursing programs and the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing at the University of Wyoming to
develop a common nursing curriculum for the state of Wyoming. The Revolutionizing Nursing
Education in Wyoming” (ReNEW) curriculum is a baccalaureate nursing curriculum with an Associate
Degree in Nursing benchmark. Under the ReNEW curriculum, persons who enter a nursing program
at a community college in Wyoming will be able to complete their Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN),
sit for the national licensure exam (NCLEX-RN) and begin working as a registered nurse as they
complete the ReNEW BSN. All ReNEW Completion coursework from UW is delivered at distance.
The majority of ReNEW Completion coursework is available concurrently with the ADN Benchmark.
All UW coursework can be completed after earning the ReNEW ADN Benchmark.
Students should be aware that changing from the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) to the
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) or Associate of Science (AS) in another Casper College program
may need additional courses to meet general education requirements of the degree.
College Algebra MATH 1400 …………………………………… 3 Microbiology MICR/MOLB 2021 or 2240 ……………………… 4
Statistics STAT 2050 or 2070 ………………………………........ 4 Foundational Pathophysiology PHCY 3450 (4450) ………… 4
Nutrition FCSC 1140 or 1141 ………………………………….. 2-3
Prerequisites: LIFE 1010, CHEM 1000/1020, Human Physiology
Humanities Elective Course …………………………………………. 3 Fundamentals of Pharmacology PHCY 4470 …………………. 4
General Biology LIFE 1010 …………………………………………. 4
Intro or General Chemistry CHEM 1000 or 1020 ……….. 4 Total Related Coursework Hours 32-33
UNIVERSITY STUDIES PROGRAM (USP): All UW students complete the University Studies Program:
USP REQUIREMENTS are met via the ReNEW ADN, verification of approved US & WY Constitutions course, and NURS 4055.
If you have not yet completed the ReNEW ADN Benchmark, individual USP requirements will be reflected in your degree
evaluation. When you complete your ADN and the coursework below, all USP requirements will be satisfied.
RELATED COURSEWORK: This coursework adds depth and breadth to BSN education. Grades of C or better are required.
NURSING COURSEWORK: 2-credit courses are delivered as 8-week, half-semester blocks. Fall and Spring semesters offer first-
half and second-half blocks. Summer semester is a single block. Grades of C or better are required.
Entry Point:
Students can enroll in this course while enrolled in a Wyoming ReNEW AND program.
NURS 3005 ReNEW Distance Foundations
Simultaneous Nursing Courses: Open to ReNEW ADN graduates or currently progressing ReNEW ADN students.
Enrollment open PRIOR to NURS 3005 completion:
NURS 4660 Healthcare Informatics
NURS 4055 Application of Evidence in Nursing Practice
Satisfies USP COM3; Prereqs: STAT 2050/2070, COM1 & COM2
Enrollment open AFTER NURS 3005 completion:
NURS 4630 Public/Community Health
NURS 4635 Community as Client
NURS 4640 Health Equity
NURS 4645 Population Health
NURS 4830 Leadership in Healthcare Today
NURS 4840 Healthcare Systems and Policy
Post-ADN Benchmark Courses: Students can enroll after earning a ReNEW ADN and formalizing ReNEW BSN enrollment.
NURS 4835 Leading Nursing Practice
NURS 4845 Innovation in Nursing Practice
NURS 4855 Contemporary Nursing
Total Nursing Coursework Hours
Formalizing ReNEW BSN enrollment includes verification of a ReNEW ADN earned, clearance of the College of Health Sciences
background check, and student’s signature agreeing to program requirements.
ALL TRANSFER CREDITS from outside ReNEW AND programs must be verified through the BSNC office (
UW Upper Division (UD) requirement First degree-seeking bachelor students must meet a minimum of 42 UD (3000/4000
level) credit hours earned from UW or transfer coursework. ReNEW AND graduates will meet the requirement trough ReNEW
institutional agreements to accept NURS 2400 toward the UD requirement, PHCY 3450 and 4450, and the Nursing Coursework
Course requirements/expectations are subject to change. Maintain contact with your FWWSON advisor for current
UW FWWSON Website:
Revised 6/22 DON
Examination for RN Licensure
Following successful completion of the ADN program, graduates may apply to the Wyoming
State Board of Nursing and other states to take the NCLEX-RN, the national licensure
examination. There are individual fees for licensure and the exam that will be discussed along
with the application process in the last nursing course of the program. Prospective students
need to be aware of the fact that licensure may be denied to those with a prior felony conviction
or substance abuse history. In addition, applicants for licensure are required to be fingerprinted
and undergo a background check. Consult the Director of the Nursing Program for specifics.
For additional information or answers to specific questions, contact:
Marge Christiansen, MSN, RN, CEN
Director of Nursing
(307) 268-2717 or 1-800-442-2963
Fax: (307) 268-2087
Level Academic Preparedness Level Definition
Version 6
Version 7
Exemplary scores generally indicate a very high level of overall
academic preparedness necessary to support learning of health
sciences-related content. Students at this level are not likely to
require additional preparation for the objectives assessed on ATI
Advanced scores generally indicate a high level of overall
academic preparedness necessary to support learning of health
sciences-related content. Students at this level are not likely to
require additional preparation for the objectives assessed on ATI
Proficient scores generally indicate a moderate level of overall
academic preparedness necessary to support learning of health
sciences-related content. Students at this level can require
additional preparation for some objectives assessed on ATI
Basic scores generally indicate a low level of overall academic
preparedness necessary to support learning of health sciences-
related content. Students at this level are likely to require
additional preparation for many objectives assessed on ATI
ATI TEAS Content Areas #
Reading: Key ideas and details; craft and structure;
integration of knowledge and ideas
53 64 45 55
Mathematics: Numbers and algebra; measurement and date 36 54 38 57
Science: Human anatomy and physiology, life and physical
sciences; scientific reasoning
53 63 50 60
English & Language Usage: Conventions of standard
English; knowledge of language, vocabulary acquisition
Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI)
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
The ATI TEAS test measures the likelihood of a candidate being successful in their first year of
nursing school. The goal is two-fold in that we want our students to stay in the program and be
successful in passing the licensure exam at the completion of the nursing program.
On the ATI TEAS, the following areas are tested. You will have 209 minutes to complete the exam.
Additional information can be found at including
study material. (Use Firefox as your browser when accessing ATI Testing).
Only students achieving a Proficient level or above will be eligible to apply to the nursing program.
Students earn points on the ‘Admission Ranking Worksheet’ based on their actual Individual Adjusted
Score, which can be found in the upper right hand corner of the TEAS results. Basic and developmental
scores are ineligible for application to the program.
Level Academic Preparedness Level Definition
Version 6
Version 7
Developmental scores generally indicate a very low level of
overall academic preparedness necessary to support learning of
health sciences-related content. Students at this level will require
additional preparation for most objectives assessed on ATI TEAS
Resources to Study for the TEAS
Please note the Testing Center does not have study resources or content outlines.
The TEAS assessment gauges students’ reading, mathematics, science and English skills. To
prepare for the TEAS assessment you may purchase resources from the ATI website by going to:
ATI Testing. Including practice tests. If you have any questions, you may call Assessment
Technologies Institute®, LLC at 1-800-667-7531.
Other resources to prepare for the TEAS are available from the Casper College Library.
o Casper College Nursing Student Test Preparation: TEAS Internet Sites and Learning Express
Library: TEAS Testing guides
o If you need assistance, please contact Sarah Mailloux at 307-268-2257 or
Other resources to prepare for the TEAS
o This is a set of ATI TEAS 7 Youtube videos. It has over 5 hours of free tutorials.
TEAS Review Video Tutorials by Mometrix
Youtube TEAS videos
To make an appointment to take the TEAS test:
1. Appointments for the web-based test can be scheduled with the Testing Center (TC) at Casper
College: Casper College Testing Center
2. The ATI TEAS exam can also be proctored online please use the following link for the online option: Cost is $115
3. The cost of the ATI TEAS exam is $65.00 at the Casper College Testing Center, which is paid online
with a credit/debit card on the day of the test. If you are using other testing centers, the cost can
range from $75 to $150.
4. No test will be administered without payment first.
5. A copy of the ‘Policies and Procedures’ for the Casper College Testing Center have been attached
for your convenience and are also available on the TC website.
6. If you are not able to come to Casper College to take the test, it is your responsibility to contact a
testing center in your community and arrange to have the test proctored or get proctored online.
A. The testing center you are using will need to contact the Director of Nursing at 307-268-2717 or to obtain the testing login and password.
B. Please be certain your results will be sent to the Casper College Nursing Program. If your ATI
TEAS results need to be sent to Casper College directly from ATI, the cost of this service is
7. ATI TEAS may be taken twice during a semester. The candidate must wait at least 48 hours between
attempts. The highest score will be accepted. The score is good for 2 years (includes Versions 6 &
Please include a copy of your test results with your completed application for admission.
Casper College Testing Center (TC)
Policies and Procedures
Located in the Thorson Institute of Business - BU120
Students are encouraged to schedule testing appointments in advance in order to guarantee a
seat. Walk in appointments are welcome.
Students will need to present a valid photo ID before testing. Student ID, driver’s license, military
ID, and passports are valid IDs.
The Testing Center will be closed on all school holidays and as posted. If the Testing Center must
close at other times, faculty and staff will be notified.
Any unforeseen closures will be communicated by email to faculty and staff. Hours and closures
are available on the webpage. Any unexpected campus closures will be posted on the Casper
College homepage.
Please reschedule if you are unable to keep a testing appointment.
Cellular phones must be turned off while in the Testing Center and, together with all other personal
items, including watches and electronics, must be placed in one of the secure lockers provided.
Pockets will be empty during testing.
No coats or jackets with hoods, scarves, or hats are allowed in the testing room.
All scratch paper and writing utensils will be supplied by the Testing Center.
No food or drinks, other than bottled water in a clear plastic container with all labels removed, will
be allowed in the testing room.
No children are allowed in the Testing Center.
The individual testing room is reserved for candidates with documented accommodations. Please
contact the Casper College Disability Services Counselor, Jennifer McLeod (x2557), well in
advance of testing to arrange for necessary documentation.
Criteria Completed courses will receive points as calculated: credits
x grade (see key). Points for current enrollment in a course will be
given according to credit hours only: credits x 1.
If a student is tentatively admitted based on currently enrolled
courses, admission points will be recalculated upon submission of
passing grades to confirm admission.
Course Enrolled Grade
Credits x Grade Points*
ENG 1010
3 x
MATH 1400
4 x
ZOO 2040 and
2041or 2015
4 x
HMDV 1300
2 x
HLTK 1300
1 x
2 Cumulative College GPA (Must be >2.5)
Please note this includes only classes posted
on transcript that are applicable to the ADN
Cumulative GPA
3 TEAS® Score: Proficient or higher. Basic
score or below are not eligible to apply.
May be taken twice in a semester. Highest
score will be used for points. Scores are
good for 2 years. Please refer to the web site
for information on testing dates/times.
Actual point
level will be
Total Points
Renew Admission Ranking Worksheet
Called _______________ Applicant Name ____________________________
Casper College
H. E. Stuckenhoff Department of Nursing
ReNEW Admission Ranking Worksheet
Total Points:__________________________
Admission Cohort (Semester/ Year:
Reason Not Accepted
: _____________________________
+ Human Anatomy and Physiology (ZOO 2040 & 2041 and ZOO 2110, or their equivalent) courses must be within the last five
Revised 7/1/21 DON
Admission Checklist
Are you ready to apply to the Casper College Nursing Program?
Complete this checklist to find out!
I have applied to Casper College as a pre-nursing/health science major.
I am currently enrolled in, or have completed with a “C” or higher the following courses:
(if currently enrolled, application ranking is based on submission of midterm grades,
with admission to the program dependent on final grade entered for admission ranking
worksheet score)
ENGL 1010 : English Composition I
MATH 1400 : Pre-Calculus Algebra
HMDV 1300: On Course (NO EXCEPTION)
HLTK 1300 : Nursing Boot Camp (NO EXCEPTION)
I am currently enrolled in, or have completed Human Anatomy (ZOO 2040 and 2041 or
2015) or equivalent course with a “C” or better within the last five years. (If Human
Physiology ( ZOO 2110 or 2025) or its equivalent has been taken, this too, must be
within the previous 5 years)
I have a degree college GPA of 2.5 or greater, and included unofficial copies of all of
my college transcripts.
I have a proficient score or higher on the ATI Test of Essential Skills (TEAS ®) within the
2 year and provided a copy of the results with my application. Developmental and
Basic scores are not eligible to apply.
If you checked off ALL these criteriayou can apply during the next application cycle. Please
see the Casper College Nursing Department homepage for the next deadline.
Casper College Nursing
Estimated Expenses
Prospective students should refer to the current Casper College catalog for tuition and fee rates. Please note ATI fees are
non-refundable. In addition to tuition and fees and required laboratory supplies, the following expenses are estimated for
the first semester of the nursing program:
Background check
$ 130+
Drug Screen
$ 40
Books and online support programs (used through program)
$ 1800
$ 50
Uniforms and lab coat
$ 200
Lab kit / Lab and ATI fees
$ 1000
Watch with digital or sweep second hand
$ 30
$ 20
Eye protection
$ 12
Bandage scissors
$ 7
$ 5
$ 2
Varicella titer
$ per individual lab
Varicella vaccine x2 (available at Public Health Dept.)
$ 100 each
Hepatitis Titer
$ per individual lab
Hepatitis immunization series
$ 90
MMR Titer
$ per individual lab
MMR Vaccine
$ 50
Health insurance
Varies with carrier
Casper College provides at no expense to students, liability (malpractice) insurance while nursing students are engaged in
their clinical laboratory activities. As is stated in the catalog, students are responsible for their own transportation and its
related expense.
Estimated expenses for the second semester include:
Books and supplies
$ 200
Lab kit// Lab and ATI fees
$ 1000
Finally, third and fourth semesters estimated expenses include:
Books and supplies
$ 50
Lab and ATI fees
$ 300
Health insurance
Varies with carrier
Background check update if needed
$ 40
Cap and gown fee
$ 30
Application for nursing license fee + background check
$ 200
$ 200
Pinning ceremony-depends on class decisions
If you are applying for financial assistance you may be eligible for an increase to your expense budget based on the above
estimated expenses. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance for instructions on how to request an
expense review.
Revised S,G: 7/22 DON
Application Form
Casper College
H. E. Stuckenhoff Department of Nursing
Application for Admission
Please include all application requirements with this form:
Unofficial transcripts, TEAS test results.
Last First Middle
(Different from above that may appear on your records)
(Mailing Address) Street City State Zip
(Permanent Address) Street City State Zip
_________________________________ _____________________ _________________ ___________________
E-mail Address Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone
High School:
Year Graduated:
City State
College/s (including Casper College) and or other post high school education attended:
Previous degrees or certificates awarded:
Are you currently enrolled in any of the following pre-requisite courses?
_______ Human Anatomy (Zoo 2040 &Zoo 2041 or 2015 ) ________ Math 1400 ______ ENG 1010
________ OnCourse (HMDV 1300) _______ Nursing Boot Camp (HLTK 1300)
If yes,
Have you attended the Casper College Nursing Program previously?
Yes No
Mail or deliver or scanned to: or
Saunders Health Science Center, Room 202
Casper College
125 College Dr.
Casper, WY 82601
My signature below confirms my intent to be considered as a qualified applicant and understanding the admission criteria
provided within this guidebook. If admitted, I will attend the orientation scheduled prior to registration.
Date Signature
7/22 MC